ECE-RCEM is now accepting candidates for the ECE-RCEM 2023 elections process. Perhaps it is you? We are looking for candidates to help guide ECE-RCEM with our joint strategic work and active engagement for the coming 2 years. It’s a great opportunity to network with passionate activists and experts from across our diverse UN ECE region.
Elections timeline.
9 Feb – launch of election & launch of voting procedure.
20 Feb – deadline to nominate constituency representatives running for elections
20 Feb – deadline to sign-up to the advocacy list used for voting
21 Feb – voting starts. Each organisation has 2 votes: one thematic and one regional constituency
27 Feb – voting ends
28 Feb – or shortly thereafter we will announce the newly elected representatives
What tasks are involved?
Please refer to our updated Concept Note for ECE-RCEM. In that document, we have outlined some of the main responsibilities of Governing Body representatives as well as the mandate of ECE-RCEM. You can nominate yourself or a representative from your organisation through this nominations form.
How do you vote?
You must fill in this form in order to register to vote before the 20 February 2023. Each organisation, who is an ECE-RCEM member, gets 2 votes: one vote on thematic and one vote on sub-regional constituencies. You must select whom from your organisation will vote on your behalf.