Meeting with Mr. Dmitry Mariyasin, UNECE Deputy Executive Secretary

2023-07-14 20:39 Events
During the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) in 2023, a pivotal gathering took place, bringing together distinguished representatives of the ECE-RCEM for a crucial meeting. The attendees were honored to be joined by the esteemed UNECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe) Deputy Executive Secretary, Mr. Dmitry Mariyasin, and the dedicated staff from the RFSD (Regional Forum Support Division).

The meeting provided an auspicious platform for the participants to delve into matters of immense importance, fostering collaboration and synergy among the regional stakeholders. Central to the discussions was the pursuit of further cooperation around the Regional Forum, recognizing its pivotal role as a key avenue for addressing regional challenges and promoting sustainable development in the ECE-RCEM context.

Delving deeper into the agenda, the attendees acknowledged the significance of enhancing the engagement of the ECE-RCEM in the Voluntary National Reviews (VNR) processes within the region. By actively participating in VNR exercises, the ECE-RCEM sought to bolster transparency, knowledge sharing, and peer-learning among nations, thereby accelerating the achievement of sustainable development goals.

Another essential facet of the meeting revolved around the Mayors Forum, an integral platform for local authorities to voice their concerns and contribute to regional policy discussions. Recognizing the invaluable role of cities in driving progress and implementing sustainable practices, the representatives explored opportunities to bolster the engagement of the ECE-RCEM in the Mayors Forum, fostering stronger ties between regional authorities and global sustainability efforts.

Throughout the meeting, the participants expressed their commitment to promoting sustainable development, aligning with the broader United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. They reaffirmed their dedication to fostering regional partnerships, sharing best practices, and addressing the unique challenges faced by the diverse countries within the ECE-RCEM region.

With a shared vision for a more sustainable and equitable future, the representatives of ECE-RCEM, UNECE Deputy Executive Secretary Mr. Dmitry Mariyasin, and the RFSD staff concluded the meeting on an optimistic note, pledging to carry forward the momentum of collaboration and actively contribute to the global journey towards a better world for all. As the discussions concluded, they left with a renewed sense of purpose and determination to make a positive impact on the lives of people within the region and beyond.