11 SEPTEMBER / 14:00–16:00 CET - ONLINE
Regional People's Assembly
SDG Mid-Point
Join us as we merge our voices into a chorus of progress in the UNECE region!
As we find ourselves at the midpoint on the journey to meet the 2030 Agenda deadline, the aspirational commitment to deliver social justice, promote human rights for all, ensure equitable distribution within and between countries, and cultivate an ecologically conscious world for all feels more distant and elusive than ever before. Despite the best efforts of civil society and activists across the ECE region the very foundations of our political, financial, economic, and social systems are being eroded by austerity, xenophobia, and conflict, leaving us questioning the possibility of realizing the visionary promises made in 2015.

The 2023 SDG Summit takes place on 18-19 September in New York. This convening should serve as the inaugural step into a renewed phase of rapid advancement toward the Sustainable Development Goals, galvanized by a surge of high-level political direction. The intention of Member States has been declared to orchestrate actionable transformative changes and expedite specific promises to propel us forward as we approach the pivotal year of 2030.

At the same time, People’s Assemblies in all regions are being organized across the globe to bring the voices and calls for action of civil society to remind governments about the progress they agree to achieve by 2030.
ECE-RCEM, SDG Watch Europe and other partners
invite you to join the ECE Regional People’s Assembly
Regional People’s Assembly takes place online on September 11th, 14:00-16:00 CET
Why should you join the Regional People's Assembly?
This collective effort will serve to hold these governments accountable for the promises and commitments they've made on the global stage.
  • Be part of the Regional People's Declaration for the SDG Mid-Point
    Be part of the process and share the outcome with your government!
  • Share civil society possibilities to engage at the SDG Summit
    Learn about possibilities to engage in person and online!
  • Learn about regional processes on the 2030 Agenda in 2024
    Engage with ECE-RCEM as part of the MGoS
With whom can we share
the Regional People's Declaration?
Your President
Your National or Local Government
European Union
Civil Society Networks
UNECE and other UN bodies
Join us as we merge our voices into a chorus of progress
and endeavor to reshape the narrative of our time. Together, we can rekindle the flickering hope for a world that embodies justice, equity, and sustainability for each and every one of its inhabitants!
Key stages of the Regional People's Assembly
Our meeting will be informative and interactive!
Regional Assembly Partners
Regional Assembly Partners

Register now by filling out this form below.

The Zoom link will be shared with you after registration.
If you dont find your country in the list, it means you belong to another region. Please join Regional Assembly of your region!
Which topic you would like to discuss during the Assembly?
Please choose one topic and come to the Assembly with one-two key recommendations for the ECE region
This is optional question
By ticking this box you agree to your name being used in RPA communications. All personal data (names of individuals, email addresses) will be kept private in a secure Google folder for the internal use of RPA organizers only.
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