ECE Regional People's
Assembly Declaration

for the Sustainable Future for All
As we reach the midway point towards achieving the 2030 Agenda, our aspirations of delivering social justice, upholding human rights, ensuring fair distribution within and between nations, and building an environmentally conscious world for all appear increasingly distant and challenging to attain. Despite the relentless efforts of civil society and activists throughout the ECE region, our fundamental political, financial, economic, and social systems face erosion due to austerity measures, xenophobia, conflicts, and lack of political will. These factors lead us to question the feasibility of fulfilling the visionary commitments made in 2015.

We call on UNECE governments to recommit to the pledges they made in 2015. This Regional People's Assembly Declaration serves as a poignant reminder to policymakers, offering a set of recommendations aimed at advancing progress on the 2030 Agenda in the UNECE region in 9 thematic fields.

What is the Regional People's Assembly Declaration?
Inside this comprehensive document, you'll discover:
  • Nine Crucial Thematic Fields:
    We delve into critical areas such as climate action, social justice, digital rights, disarmament, and much more.
  • Recommendations for Change:
    Learn about the actionable recommendations
  • Calls for Action:
    Explore how we're rallying UNECE governments to recommit to the 2030 Agenda and take proactive steps towards a sustainable world.
With whom can we share
the Regional People's Declaration?
Your President
Your National or Local Government
European Union
Civil Society Networks
UNECE and other UN bodies
Download the Declaration
We invite you to join us in spreading the message of the declaration far and wide, not only during the SDG Summit but also beyond. Let's make a difference together!
Regional Assembly Partners
Learn more about ECE-RCEM
ECE-RCEM is an institutionalized civil society platform with the official status of MGoS aimed to enable stronger cross-constituency coordination and ensure that the voices of all sub-regions of the Economic Commission for Europe are heard in all stages of follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda.