ECE RCEM Civil Society Pre-Meeting 2019

20-21st March 2019, Geneva, Wednesday

Room 12, Palais

Goals and objectives

  1. Engage civil society stakeholders from across the UNECE region in the implementation and monitoring of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
  2. Strengthen Civil Society cooperation and their role in United Nations processes on the SDGs, including the HLPF, the UN General Assembly and related processes
  3. Discuss and provide recommendations for improved implementation, monitoring and accountability processes and mechanisms; including on reporting models, VNRs, the Regional Forum and HLPF
  4. Sharing good practices and case studies
  5. Increase visibility of the Regional Civil society Engagement Mechanism (RCEM)
  6. Development joint advocacy messages from civil society / RCEM and strengthen RCEM

Key expected outputs of the event

  1. Shared lessons on progress at national level of Agenda2030 and the role of Civil Society
  2. Recommendations on Agenda2030 monitoring and accountability including on reporting models; VNR
  3. Agreed statements and positions to the official RFSD including focus and peer learning sessions
  4. Joint advocacy messages for better implementation of the Agenda 2030
  5. Recommendations to strengthen the role of civil society
  6. Mapping inter-linkages with related processes in UNECE region
  7. Follow up action for RCEM
  8. Civil Society speaker(s) for the official RFSD ‘connecting the dots’ session

Link to preliminary RFSD program, UNECE official web site:
