
ECE-RCEM side event at HLPF 2021

Inclusive Engagement of Civil Society in the VNR and Follow-up Processes in the UNECE Region in the Decade of Action.
ECE-RCEM with SDG Watch Europe, GCAP and WMG for ECE Region
Tuesday 13th July 7.30-9.00 EDT 13.30 – 15.00 CET
You can register for the event by clicking here
The majority of UNECE countries have presented their VNRs. In order to ensure that progress on the SDGs doesnʼt slow down and a fair and sustainable Covid recovery is implemented in an inclusive manner, we propose in this event to discuss the follow-up process on SDG implementation with proper engagement of civil society and due attention to human rights obligations in a post pandemic context.
This session will give an overview of how civil society was involved in VNRs preparations, the current situation and challenges during the follow-up process and provide recommendations for the UNECE region from a civil society perspective. The event is initiated by the representatives of ECE RCEM. Invited speakers will include Civil Society, UN entities, European Commission and Member State representatives.
We plan to facilitate an engaging discussion around these issues, involving both a panel of those representing governments/institutions and an intersectional group representing whose progress in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development has been most seriously affected by the Covid-19 crisis, and whose knowledge sharing will be vital moving forward. Initial speakers representing the UN and EU region will outline the key issues re Covid-19, impacts on marginalised people and how the diversity of institutions across the ECE region are responding in the contact of the SDGs. A civil society panel will follow which will then support interactive discussions and conclusions and recommendations.
1 hour 30 mins duration
Moderation: Stefano Prato, co chair of Major Groups and Other Stakeholders (MGOS)
Panel 1: (35 min)
David Nabarro, special advisor to WHO on Covid 19 (confirmed) (10-12 mins):
Achieving the SDGs in times of Covid-19 David will focus on COVID going forward/what to expect in the context of SDGs under consideration by the HLPF, from the perspective of ‘those left behind’ /marginalized groups in general who have suffered most as a result of the pandemic. He will also address the importance of civil society in this context
Alanna Armitage, (confirmed) Regional Director, UNFPA Eastern Europe and Central Asia (10 mins):
‘Leaving no one behind’ in achieving the SDGs in the post-COVID European Region Alanna will concentrate on the SDGs under review for marginalized groups in the region going forward, eg older persons, people with disabilities, migrants, refugees, young people and the homeless, taking into account the impact of COVID-19,addressing the ‘social pillar’ of the Agenda, while stressing the role of civil society)
EU representative to be confirmed (10 mins)
to focus on EU policy and financing responses to address the impact of Covid 19 and SDG
Panel 2: An intersectional perspective (30 mins)
Highlighting issues faced by marginalised people in the region and how we can progress; featuring opening statements from the speakers and questions posed to the UN and EU representatives.
  • Ezel Buse Sonmezocak (tbc); Turkey LGBTIQI rep
  • Marie-Luise Abshagen (confirmed): German experience of VNRs and the role of civil society.
  • GCAP Migration project (tbc).
Interactive discussion (15 mins)
Conclusions/wrap up (10 mins)